

国庆假期出游黑权杖 ,想必你已经订好了行程,但并不是所有的地方都热情地欢迎游客。有一些景点出于环保以及可持续性的考虑,出台了严格的游客限制措施。

Koh Khai islands, Thailand
he backbone of backpacker gap year travels, Thailand, is for the most part extremely tourist-friendly; but some places are now off limits because of environmental concerns. The islands of Koh Khai Nok, Koh Khai Nui and Koh Khai Nai, renowned for their colorful coral displays and previously popular with day-trippers from nearby Phuket, have been strictly prohibited since May 2016. The Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) said that up to 80 percent of reefs have been degraded, and the decision was made to ban tourists as a result.
泰国是背包客间隔年旅游的好去处泽仁曲措,多数情况下对游客非常友好田中宥久子 。但出于对环境的担忧,一些地方开始对旅游设限。蛋岛由三个岛屿组成,分别是外鸡蛋岛、小鸡蛋岛和内鸡蛋岛,以色彩斑斓的珊瑚著称,之前有很多游客从附近的普吉岛来一日游。但从2016年5月起,泰国就严格限制了蛋岛的旅游业。泰国海洋和海岸资源部表示,多达80%的礁石已经退化,因此决定限制游客。

Tourism in Bhutan only kicked off in 1974,汪则翰 but since then the decision has been made to highly regulate it to preserve the country's unspoiled landscape and unique culture. The kingdom on the edge of the Himalayas has a policy of "high value, low impact tourism". The upshot is that the number of tourists is restricted and that most visitors have to pay a whopping £190 a day for visas and fees for the privilege of seeing Bhutan.

Barcelona, Spain
When Ada Colau, Barcelona's first female mayor, took office in 2015, she wasn't one to mince her words about the scourge that is tourism on her beloved city. “We don’t want the city to become a cheap souvenir shop,” said Colau, siting Venice as a cautionary tale. Since then she has frozen licences for all new hotels and holiday rental apartments and gone after short-term rental sites, slapping AirBnb with a €30,000 fine. She has also proposed introducing a new tourist tax and limiting visitor numbers.
巴塞罗那第一位女市长艾达?克劳于2015年走马上任时,她就直截了当地批评旅游业危害到了她心爱的城市。克劳把威尼斯看作是一个警示故事龙茜 ,并说:“我们不想看到巴塞罗那成为一个廉价的纪念品商店草裙舞串词。”从那以后,她便冻结所有新酒店和度假出租公寓的牌照,监督租赁网站幽灵蛞蝓 ,并对爱彼迎开出3万欧元(约合24万元人民币)的罚单。她还提出征收新的游客税,限制游客数量。

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam’s head of marketing made it abundantly clear the city is a bit over tourists. Frans van der Avert, Amsterdam Marketing chief executive翟艺舒, said: “Cities are dying from tourism. No one will be living in the historic centres any more. A lot of smaller historic cities in Europe are getting destroyed by visitors.” While speaking at the World Tourism Forum in Lucerne, he added: “We don’t spend even €1 in marketing Amsterdam any more. We don’t want to have more people. We want to increase the quality of visitors – we want people who are interested in the city, not who want it as a backdrop for a party. We see lots of visitors with no respect for the character of the city. Low cost carriers create a problem. Ryanair [passengers] – they are the loudest.”
阿姆斯特丹市场营销负责人多次强调游客太多。该市市场营销负责人弗兰斯?范德?艾瓦特说:“旅游业正在危害城市。再也不会有人住在历史中心了。许多欧洲历史小城正被游客毁掉。”他在卢塞恩举行的世界旅游论坛上发言时还谈到:“我们不会再花1欧元到旅游市场上倪介祥 。我们也不想再接待更多的游客混沌逆天诀 。我们要的是游客素质的提高,我们想要的是那些对阿姆斯特丹感兴趣的人,而不是把它当做派对的背景墙。我们发现很多游客不尊重当地特色南宫玉耀。低成本交通也带来了问题,瑞安航空公司的乘客最喧闹。”

Various onsen, Japan
Many tourists who travel to Japan do so to experience the glorious onsen – natural hot springs – and sento – community bathhouses. Most of these visitors are let in, no questions asked. However, if you happen to have a tattoo真空衰变 , it’s a different story. A survey released in 2015 by the Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) found that well over half of all onsen banned tattooed guests, or required them to cover up their ink. Tattoos are still something of a taboo in Japan, inextricably linked in people’s minds with Yakuza mobsters. But with the influx of tourists in the last 10 years,化石标本 many of whom are from cultures where skin art is embraced, this antiquated rule has become increasingly problematic.
许多游客去日本就是为了体验一把天然温泉和钱汤(社区澡堂)。这些游客不用接受询问就能直接进入。然而,如果你有纹身的话杨德才征婚 ,那就另当别论了,日本旅游局2015年公布的一项调查发现,远超半数的温泉禁止带有纹身的顾客入内,或者要求他们把纹身遮住。纹身在日本依然是一种禁忌御赐丑妻 ,人们总能把它和日本黑帮联系起来。但是随着过去10年里游客的大批涌入,很多游客来自允许纹身的国家,日本的这个老规矩也越来越成问题。

Santorini, Greece
In 2016兵之枪, the busiest port in Greece announced that enough was enough – the number of cruise ship visitors would have to be capped. The popular island of Santorini was getting overwhelmed by upwards of 10,000 tourists arriving simultaneously each day on cruises – that number is now capped at 8,000.

Cinque Terre, Italy
This beautiful coastal area and UNESCO World Heritage Site was something of a trendsetter when it comes to holding back the tide of tourists. Under increasing pressure from ever-growing visitor numbers, in February 2016 Cinque Terre announced plans to introduce a ticketing system. Once the number of people hit 1.5 million, the area was off limits. This figure might sound high, but the previous summer saw 2.5 million flood into the region to visit its clutch of five quaint fishing villages connected by narrow cliff-top paths.

Arlington, Texas
In 2015, private air charter company Stratos Jets analysed over 37,000 geotagged tourist-related tweets from across the States to determine which places were most friendly – and most hostile – towards visitors. Of course, it’s far from scientific, but the results indicated that Arlington, Texas, was the least tourist-friendly destination in the US. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given its stigma for rudeness, New York was the second least welcoming, with Las Vegas swinging into third position.
2015年,私人航空包机公司斯特拉托斯分析了超过3.7万名来自美国各州标记了地理位置的游客推文,从而判断哪些地方对游客最友好决战东线 ,哪些地方最不友好。当然,这并不科学,但结果表明,德克萨斯的阿林顿国家公墓是美国最不友善的景点。不出意外的是,仅次于阿林顿国家公墓的是纽约,在人们的印象中,这里对待游客粗鲁无礼。拉斯维加斯下滑至第三。
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